Category: Spirit, Body & Mind

neck pain relief

This might help you reduce or eliminate the neck and shoulder pain. Especially if you got the sharp pain in your upper back trapezius area. This is my original method.


2nd Part of my curse of knowledge (I will use Indonesian in this post)

Inti : Kita tidak boleh merasa punya wewenang atas sesuatu yang tidak bisa kita putuskan 100 %

Example 1:

Kamu merasa bahwa salah 1 anggota keluarga mu anggaplah si X ini lagi free waktu weekend.
Lalu kamu bikin janji dengan teman2 dan berharap bahwa si X ini lah yang akan mengantar mu
ke tempat meeting point dengan teman2. Tapi pada hari H ternyata si X ini sudah ada janji dan tidak
bisa mengantar kamu. Akhirnya janjinya cancel hanya karena kamu merasa kamu punya control atas
kegiatan si X.

Example 2:

Kamu adalah seorang Ibu, lalu kamu tahu bahwa salah 1 anak kamu akan keluar negeri beberapa waktu
dan rumahnya kosong. Lalu dengan keputusan sendiri tanpa make sure dengan si anak tersebut kamu
langsung bilang ke anak yang lain lagi bahwa rumah itu akan kosong jadi bisa ditinggali.
Tetapi ternyata setelah ditanya lebih lanjut, karena berbagai alasan tertentu jadi tidak bisa
ditinggali. Ini juga merupakan kutukan dari pengetahuan, karena si Ibu merasa mengetahui segala sesuatunya
dan memutuskan sendiri tanpa memastikan dengan empunya rumah. Padahal rumah itu adalah
milik anaknya, bukan miliknya

Example 3:

Kamu mau bikin party. Lalu kamu undang beberapa orang. Ada yang punya mobil dan ada yang tidak.
Kamu lalu berharap yang tidak punya mobil semuanya bisa ikut dengan yang ada mobil dan semuanya bisa OK.
Lalu kamu dengan yakinnya mengajak orang lain lagi dan bilang oh si A, si B, si C dll semuanya sudah confirm ikut loh.
Eh tapi ternyata setelah di cek lebih lanjut si C sebenernya belum confirm , lalu si B juga ternyata hanya confirm
kalau si C confirm dan lain sebagainya. Disini kesalahannya adalah karena kamu merasa semua orang pasti ingin
datang ke party mu. Padahal kamu tidak tahu diluar itu mungkin dia punya jadwal lain yang harus dia sacrifice dll.

Example2 diatas diambil dari orang2 yang dekat dengan saya.

Saya tegaskan lagi inti yang ingin saya katakan adalah : kita tidak berhak dan tidak punya wewenang untuk mengambil keputusan
atas orang lain hanya berdasarkan karena pengetahuan kita. Jadi tetap harus di confirm ulang ke orang tersebut.

Recently I met with a lot of great people with good knowledge. Most of them are like twice or 1.5 times of my age. And I found some interesting point when they talked to me.

I don’t need to argue that my knowledge is still notthing compared to them but I realized there are tendency that when you know something very well and started to talked about it to other people, subsconciously you may think that person that you talked too have the same level of knowledge with you. Which is not always a good think.

Especially when the topic reach some religious thought, well of course it’s okay for someone to know their religion very well and could tell anything inside out of their religion, but hoping someone other to make the same level of faith just because you’re knowledgeable about some religion is not something that I fond of.

Okay reigious topic did have tendency to became like that. But even in another topic sometimes thinks like this happened too.

For example:

Someone gave you media file because they think it’s really good and helped them, so you put one quick glance and decided to read more when you have time and enough interest. In the next day, that someone asked you how is the book etc and you couldn’t tell because you only have a glimpse impression which is very normal and he got mad. This is in my thought what is to be called the curse of knowledge and faith.


What I want to tell basically is that just because you have some knowledge and faith, you couldn’t just expect every other person you talked to could have that same knowledge and faith too. Even you tried to give books, cd, etc but it’s not in your rights to make someone other to read or watch everything as you hoped for.

Book : Your Job Is Not Your Career

Author : Rene Suhardono

Review :

Baru selesai baca buku 1 dari set Your Job Is Not Your Career yang dijual dalam kemasan 2 buku. Sejauh dari buku yang saya beli mengenai pengembangan diri, buku ini adalah yang paling mudah dibaca dan dicerna.

Buku ini berusaha menekankan bahwa kita harus hidup dengan passion kita. Walaupun kita good at something, bukan berarti itu passion kita, dan akan lebih baik untuk mengenali passion dari diri kita sejak dini agar kelak bisa bahagia dalam meniti karier.

Review berikutnya akan saya sajikan setelah saya selesai membaca part 2 dari buku ini. So far I really recommend this book to anyone that feel lost in their current career path.

Review update (19th september 2010)

Ok akhirnya saya sudah selesaikan buku part 2 nya. Dalam buku ke 2 disajikan banyak interview dari orang2 sukses Indonesia yang benar2 bisa menggugah dan membuat anda berpikir lagi apakah karier yang kita pilih sudah sesuai dengan hasrat hidup.

Beberapa tips point dari Rene sendiri sangat bermanfaat. Seperti pada buku 1, penjelasan pada buku 2 pun disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah sekali untuk dipahami dan dicerna isinya.

Hal yang menarik adalah 2 buku yang saya baca sebelum buku ini ternyata ada hubungannya dan sedikit topiknya menyinggung 2 buku tersebut (walaupun secara implisit). 2 Buku sebelumnya yang saya maksud adalah moonlighting dan the secret.

Final verdict :

Sangat recommended karena berisikan penjelasan dengan bahasa yang sangat mudah dipahami dan memiliki banyak bobot point yang penting dalam hidup.

Buku ini ditujukan bagi anda yang sedang merasa goyah dalam karier dan pekerjaan.

The Secret

The first time I knew about the secret (the one written by Rhonda Byrne) is through the movie called…. well you guess it, The Secret. I watched it over some internet channel in 2008. I already live in Japan at that time.

Since I couldn’t get the book in Japan so I didn’t really have a chance to read it. Until finally I saw it in the bookstore in Indonesia when I’m visiting my family at August 2010. It’s the indonesian language version, actually I prefer the English version but nevertheless I bought the indonesian version.

I Just finished reading it last week here in Japan. So here is what I thought about it. I found it’s a very good book to train about optimist visualisation. It’s also a good book to read if you want to become more positive in your attitude toward life.

But beware because the content of the book might not for everyone. The book always emphasis on the law of attraction to attract all the good think as long as we keep optimist and positive toward our attitude in life.

I found the book (or actually the movie, since I first knew this from the movie) helped me to feel very positive.

Title : Moonlighting

Author : Adam Yazid

Definition :

Moonlighting adalah kegiatan sambilan / paruh waktu yang dilakukan di luar dari kegiatan utama.

Review :

Buku ini memfokuskan pada kegiatan moonlighting yang bersifat bisnis yaitu yang menghasilkan pendapatan tambahan. Walaupun demikian karena pengertian moonlighting juga luas, termasuk didalamnya menjalankan hobi yang tidak selalu berarti mendapatkan uang,  maka terlepas dari kegiatan yang bersifat bisnis atau tidak buku ini bisa dijadikan panduan dalam mengatur waktu dan menyiapkan mental untuk  moonlighting.

Beberapa Main Point dari buku ini :

  • Pola pikir dalam dunia kerja sekarang
  • Pembahasan mengenai kegiatan moonlighting dan apakah anda termasuk orang yang perlu atau harus melakukan ini atau tidak
  • Penataan karier
  • Passion (yang terpenting adalah kita mengerjakan yang kita sukai)
  • Time management

Buku ini bisa mempersiapkan anda untuk memikirkan dan mengelola karier anda sendiri. Sangat recommended untuk orang yang sedang berpikir untuk memulai penghasilan tambahan diluar penghasilan utama. Akan tetapi terlepas dari unsur bisnis tersebut, buku ini juga dapat membantu untuk menyemangati melakukan passion kita.

Book Review

Title : Rasberi (Rahasia Sukses Berkarier Internasional)

Author : Aretha Aprilia

Review :

Sesuai dengan judulnya, buku ini berisikan mengenai metode, pola pikir dan tata cara yang dibutuhkan untuk melamarkan diri ke posisi perusahaan internasional.

Target dari buku ini adalah anda yang masih belum bekerja, atau sudah bekerja tapi sedang memikirkan untuk pindah ke perusahaan lain yang lebih besar (dalam buku ini tentunya perusahaan atau lembaga internasional).

Walaupun subjek khusus buku ini berpatut pada perusahaan/organisasi internasional. Tapi metode nya secara praktis bisa digunakan pada perusahaan apa pun juga.

Beberapa poin yang bagi saya sangat menarik dan penting dari buku ini

  • Trik Menyusun surat lamaran dan CV
  • Mempersiapkan wawancara
  • Merespon hasil wawancara

Ke 3 poin diatas menurut saya adalah main menu dari buku ini dan dikupas habis dalam bentuk contoh kasus yang real.

Closing Mark :

Very recommended untuk orang yang kesulitan dalam memikirkan CV dan atau surat lamaran dalam mencari kerja.

During my summer holiday in Indonesia, I bought some books with me. Most of the topic is self-improvement and mindset about job for living.

I bought 4 books :

  • Rahasia Sukses Berkarier Internasional by Aretha Aprilia
  • Moonlighting by Adam Yazid
  • Your Job Is Not Your Career by Rene Suhardono
  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The first 3 books is about career path. Right now I have too many choices in front of me and I think those books might help me as a reference for choosing my own path.

The last book is a self-improve book, I already saw the movie few years ago but haven’t got a chance to read the book yet.

Currently I finished the first book and first half of the second book. I might post my review and comments about the first book in short future. Stay tune 😀

Missing those Tiger Eyes

I just got back in Japan after spending my summer holiday in my home country Jakarta, Indonesia. This is my second Jakarta’s vacation after I set foot here in Japan from 2007.

After living in Japan which is a developed country for more than 3 years, when I got back to Jakarta, I felt something strange. I didn’t realized up until recently what did I miss. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, but it’s not a good place to live, life is hard there. Indonesia is still a third world country although it develops quite good recently.

While I was living in Jakarta for my first 23 years, I felt burning spirit to go further and further to achieve my goals. I lost that burning spirit since I’m in Japan, recently I realized that coming from third world country and suddenly working here in Japan and making money 4-6 times more than my peer  has made me lost that feeling of struggle.

At my second vacation in Jakarta recently I met some friends and saw that burning spirits in their eyes. They all want to achieve better life, better condition than current one and it can be seen within their eyes.

I remember when I saw the movie “Rocky” by sylvester stallone. I forgot which one, it’s either the 2nd or 3rd one. When Rocky’s getting famous he lost his fighting spirit and his trainer took him to the local gym to meet with youngster that train over there. The trainer said something like this “Look at their eyes, that’s the Tiger Eyes, eyes full of fighting spirit because they want to become famous. That’s the eyes I saw within you few years ago,but not anymore”. Rocky at that time already famous so he loses those eyes.

Now I felt what it’s like. After achieving my goals, I started to be in comfort zone and stopped thinking of my next goals. Although I make more money than my peer in Indonesia (excluding 1 or 2 persons that surpassed me although they work in Indonesia), I feel ashamed because I lost that fighting spirit, that tiger eyes, that feeling of  struggle to get out of current condition to make it better.

Today I came but a nice quotes from MichaelAngelo :

The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.

It’s time for me to set my next goals, I’ve been living too comfort these 3 years. I reached my goals few years ago and havent updated new goals.  I hope everyone that read this entry would not forget to always set your goals high and try to reach it. That’s the beauty of life, struggling to reach your goals and feel the good feeling when you finally reached it.

Closing Mark:

Some of the reader might thought that I don’t like my own country since I left it for work in Japan. Quite the opposite, I found myself liking Indonesia better while I’m in Japan. Recently I read a good book by Aretha Aprilia and found a good quote “Patrioticism doesn’t mean you need to stay at your country, in fact you could contribute to your country whereever you are”.

I did my share contribution by introducing Indonesian cultures in several international events and teaching indonesian language to several Japanese.

I want to share about books that I read recently. Recently my malaysian friend lent me some financial related books. I don’t know why, at that time we’re just talking about future and then all of a sudden he lent me book.

The first book is Kiyosaki’s Retire Young Retire Rich. I’ve heard about Kiyosaki back in Indonesia since almost every MLM-er talked about Kiyosaki everytime. It’s not that I’ve been to MLM, infact I hate things like MLM, while it might be good for some people but definitely it’s not things that I want to do in my life…. at least not yet. So anyway this is my first experience reading Kiyosaki’s work. I will point the book as RYRR (Retire Young Retire Rich).

After reading the whole book, I found some interesting point. in 2007 I watched a self-help movie called The Secret. I haven’t read the book though. But the similarity astounding me. Like 30% of the RYRR’s contents is already 100% of the content of that movie. So by reading RYRR, not only you got what you get from The Secret but even more it told you about financial moves. RYRR is basically financial related book with a lot of reference to self-help method while The Secret is more a general self-help series for general aspect of  human life.

The second book is called The Millionaire Next Door. I will call it TMND. Now the interesting part is in this book, the content and way of thinking is the opposite of the RYRR. although I haven’t finished this book but I want to sum up my opinion up till now.

things I found positive for me :

  • never think negatively, don’t use even negative meaning words. for example never say “I can’t afford it”. instead always use positive way of thinking to get a positive energy toward you. (RYRR and The Secret told exactly the same thing regarding to this one)
  • live below your means and be frugal. that way you can build wealth and have higher surviving chance when the crisis come. (this is from TMND and this is exactly what I’ve been doing all this time in Japan)

Things I found not that good for me

  • become big consumer (from RYRR). although it’s not stated directly but Kiyosaki’s encourage everyone not to be frugal, instead to be a big spender and behave more than your consumerism level so it will boost your brain and mind on how to make more money to deal with your consumerism habbit. (this is exactly what the second book tried you to avoid)

Reading 2 books with quite opposite content of way of thinking is quite interesting. you can get what’s good for you and leave what’s bad for you. just like when I meet with somebody new in Japan (mostly non-japanese) , I can see a new point of view from each person from different country and try to get what’s good for me from it.

Again this is just my personal point of view and interpretation regarding the way of thinking and book I read.